
UVA Health

Primary Colors

The color palette of UVA Health is a very important asset of our brand. The primary colors are derived from the University of Virginia brand and feature a combination of orange and blue. They are to be used in all full-color logos and across all communications and applications. The addition of white to the color palette is intentional, as the use of “white space” helps to create a clean, approachable feel. 

UVA Primary Orange

UVA Orange

PANTONE Yellow 012: 28.50
PANTONE Rubine Red: 18.75
PANTONE Process Blue: 0.50
PANTONE Trans. White:52.25

PANTONE Yellow 012: 54.60
PANTONE Rubine Red: 16.00
PANTONE Black: 0.40
PANTONE Trans. White: 29.00

C=0 M-64 Y=81 K=0

C=0 M=68 Y=100 K-0

RGB: R=229 G=114 B=0

HEX: #E57200

Thread: MADERA 1478


UVA Orange Shade

C=0 M=86 Y=100 K=10

RGB: R=217 G=69 B=31

HEX: #D9451F



UVA Orange Tint Formulas

UVA Orange Tints
75% TINT
50% TINT
25% TINT

CMYK Coated: 0, 64, 81, 0
CMYK Uncoated: 0, 68, 100, 0
RGB: 229, 114, 0
HEX: #E57200


UVA Orange Shade Formulas


UVA Orange Tint 1

CMYK Coated: 0, 64, 81, 5
CMYK Uncoated: 0, 68, 100, 5
RGB: 222, 111, 0


UVA Orange Tint 2

CMYK Coated: 0, 64, 81, 10
CMYK Uncoated: 0, 68, 100, 10
RGB: 214, 107, 0


UVA Orange Tint 3

CMYK Coated: 0, 64, 81, 15
CMYK Uncoated: 0, 68, 100, 15
RGB: 206, 103, 0


UVA Orant Tint 4

CMYK Coated: 0, 64, 81, 20
CMYK Uncoated: 0, 68, 100, 20
RGB: 198, 99, 0


UVA Orange Tint 5

CMYK Coated: 0, 64, 81, 25
CMYK Uncoated: 0, 68, 100, 25
RGB: 190, 95, 0

UVA Primary Blue

UVA Blue

PANTONE Process Blue: 19.80
PANTONE Medium Purple: 14.50
PANTONE Black: 15.70
PANTONE Trans. White: 50.00

PANTONE Process Blue: 58.90
PANTONE Medium Purple: 27.90
PANTONE Black: 13.20

C=87 M=70 Y=22 K=44

C=98 M=83 Y=12 K=46

RGB: R=35 G=45 B=75

HEX: #232D4B

Thread: MADERA 1368

UVA Blue Shade

C=100 M=72 Y=28 K=84

RGB: R=0 G=38 B=3

HEX: #000326



UVA Blue Tint Formulas

UVA Blue Tints
75% TINT
50% TINT
25% TINT

CMYK Coated: 92, 59, 24, 48
CMYK Uncoated: 98, 74, 10, 50
RGB: 35, 45, 75
HEX: #232D4B


UVA Blue Shade Formulas


UVA Blue Tint 1

CMYK Coated: 90, 65, 24, 53
CMYK Uncoated: 98, 83, 12, 51
RGB: 30, 40, 70


UVA Blue Tint 2

CMYK Coated: 90, 65, 24, 58
CMYK Uncoated: 98, 83, 12, 56
RGB: 25, 35, 65


UVA Blue Tint 3

CMYK Coated: 90, 65, 24, 63
CMYK Uncoated: 98, 83, 12, 61
RGB: 20, 30, 60


UVA Blue Tint 4

CMYK Coated: 90, 65, 24, 68
CMYK Uncoated: 98, 83, 12, 66
RGB: 15, 25, 55


UVA Blue Tint 5

CMYK Coated: 90, 65, 24, 73
CMYK Uncoated: 98, 83, 12, 71
RGB: 10, 20, 50

These tints and shades of UVA Orange and UVA Blue help to add variation to a design and are to be used in combination with our primary colors. The colors should not be used in replacement of the University's primary color palette and should not overpower the design.

Tints and shades of UVA Orange and UVA Blue are best used for items that require dimension - for example, within charts and illustrations or for accents in digital applications.


Secondary Colors

Our secondary color palette contains shades that work harmoniously with our primary colors as accents or supporting colors but are also vibrant enough to work on their own. If a secondary color is used as the main or dominant color in an application, the UVA Health logo must appear prominently in the application.

  • Use only one secondary color in different tints in one application.
  • Combine the UVA blue as an accent with the secondary color.
UVA Cyan Blue and tints
75% TINT
50% TINT
25% TINT


CMYK: 100, 0, 0, 0

RGB: 0, 159, 223

HEX: #009FDF


UVA Yellow and tints
75% TINT
50% TINT
25% TINT

PMS 115

CMYK: 0, 20, 100, 0

RGB: 253, 218, 36


UVA Teal and Tints
75% TINT
50% TINT
25% TINT

PMS 319

CMYK: 66, 0, 22, 0

RGB: 37, 202, 211

HEX: #25CAD3

UVA Pink and Tints
75% TINT
50% TINT
25% TINT

PMS 206

CMYK: 0, 90, 40, 0

RGB: 239, 63, 107


UVA Green and Tints
75% TINT
50% TINT
25% TINT

PMS 368

CMYK: 65, 0, 100, 0

RGB: 98, 187, 70

HEX: #62BB46


UVA Health Children's

Shown here are specifications for reproducing UVA Health Children's primary and secondary colors. You should only use these colors when creating UVA Health Children's marketing materials. Do not modify or add any new colors to the approved color palette.

Primary Color Palette

The primary colors for use in UVA Health Children's communications are UVA Health Children's blue, green, orange and purple. These should be the lead colors used in developing most layouts and designs.

UVA Orange


CMYK: C=0, M=68, Y=100, K=0

RGB: R=229, G=114, B=0


UVA Health Children's Purple


CMYK: C=70, M=99, Y=13, K=3 

RGB: R=109, G=44, B=127

HEX: #6D2C7F

Color Accessibility

As a provider of healthcare, it’s important that our communications are accessible. The following examples are approved color combinations that meet accessibility standards. When choosing typography and background colors, always promote visibility and legibility by ensuring sufficient contrast.

The color combinations were evaluated using the WCAG 2.0 guidelines for contrast accessibility. These designs are ADA compliant, meeting a required contrast ratio of 4.5:1.

Recommended for normal text - 12pt/16px

Black text on white
White text on black


UVA Blue Text on White
White text on UVA Blue
UVA Shade text on white
White text on UVA Shade


UVA Blue Text on Cyan
UVA Blue Text on Yellow
UVA Blue Text on Turquoise
UVA Blue Text on Green


Recommended for large text - 18pt/24px

White text on UVA Orange
UVA Orange text on white
UVA Orange Shade text on white
White text on UVA Orange Shade


UVA Blue text on red
White text on red